Posted on July 28, 2007
These messages were posted to this site and to the Resurrect Dead message board in the early hours of the morning. They came from Mt. Laurel, NJ. If you have the ability, listen:
george herbert walker bush is cheif hellion now aND his SOViET PAls IN s&b killed JFK
YOU! YOU MUST LISTEN TO 6250kHz!!!transmitter 6250 kHz Astrakhan Russian Federation 46’55N 47’42E 500KW OUTPUT/1605HRS/utc.
Aghfanistan KABUL Wazir Akbar Khan Street n.º 13, Lane 4, n.º 274.—Kabul.
Tels: 70 27 70 13 and 70 27 82 69.
There ain’t no crazy like a shortwave crazy.
9335kHz/ 1300HRS/utc
11710 kHz/1300HRS/utc rp@ !5OOHRS/utc*
*UTC = world time based on meridian 0
not local time. look up utc gmt time
Master P loves him some Dovate, biotch.
minority, is there any +or- to that UTC or is it a straight GMT time. also, why the location outside of scuciy rusia¿
oh yeah, and G W is the chief hellion but didnt LBJ kill kenedy?