Incredible News, Really, Really Incredible News

movie splash

Movie Promo shot featuring Justin Duerr, photo by me.

First off, I know that I haven’t been posting much of anything for a long, long time. There are a lot of reasons for this, none of them interesting. For anyone out there still subscribed to this feed, here’s something worth waiting around for.

Remember that Toynbee tile documentary that I’ve been harping on about since this site was hard coded html and hosted on geocities? It’s finally done. But that’s not the big news. The big news is that the movie will be premiering at the Sundance Film Festival. Yes, Sundance. As in the biggest place in the world that it could possibly premiere. I promised myself that I’d try to limit the profanity on this site, but fuck it. Resurrect Dead is in the motherfucking Sundance Film Festival! Holy living fuck. Shit. Goddamn. Wow.

But anyway, for all my local readers, getting the news was kind of like the last pitch of the 2008 World Series… except I actually get to be on the team for this one. Hats off to director Jon Foy for sticking with the movie all these years and being both incredibly talented and wholly uncompromising. It was that quest for perfection that overcame all limits and gave it a shot.

You can hear the rest of my thank yous and accolades when the team collects its Oscar. But seriously, Sundance. Something tells me that I’ll be posting more about this, so stay tuned.

Sundance Film Festival
Resurrect Dead (site developing)
2011 Festival Lineup
Jon Foy, Director
Justin Duerr, Artist and (outside the tiles) the movie’s lead role.

5 Comments on “Incredible News, Really, Really Incredible News

  1. Steve-


    (I met you at Brad’s going away party and you told me about the documentary… very exciting!)

  2. We are supremely proud of you and can’t wait to see the film and the accolades you will receive.

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