playing to the crowd

I’m thinking of switching to an all Toynbee tile format. Actually I’m not, but it might be a good idea. Tile posts have the most comments are the most googled and have the most external links. Clearly this is what the people want.

Today’s tile news is actually last week’s tile Daily News (haha). If you happened to pick up a Philadelphia DN last Monday, you would have seen a Phables Toynbee tile comic by Brad Guigar. In case you missed it, here it is:

For a version you can actually read, visit the Phables website here.

That’s all for now.

One Comment on “playing to the crowd

  1. Gotta admit you got me hooked. I’m waiting for the day you post that someone got a tattoo of a Toynbee tile in full color on their back and sent you the picture to prove it.

    That’ll be the day that Toynbee tiles officially jump the shark.

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