9-11 Conspiracy: Part 1

Culled from the Toynbee.net (sadly, now defunct site) email archives. You know maybe he’s onto something:

from what i can gather it looks like the 3 cities the plaques were in Washington D.C., Philidelphia, and New York these 3 cities were all attacked on 9-11-01. Kubricks movie was called 2001, the year that 9-11 happened.

he was alluding to the future when he put these plaques in. remember…our idea of the future writes todays present history.

maybe he knew that 9-11-01 was going to happen waaaaay before it happened and he was trying to warn us.

also maybe he knew that NASA was going to crash the Satellite into Jupiter that will be happening on Monday 9-22-03.

looks like in the major cities, he laid these plaques on certain streets in succession Example: Philadelphia 4th – 13th st. New York 36th – 57th st.

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