Resurrect Dead Premier + House of Hades: you got our attentioin

If you haven’t seen on Facebook, Philebrity, WHYY, WMMR, City Paper, The New York Times, The AV Club or any other number of sources, then you’re probably not finding out here either. But anyway, the Toynbee tile movie, Resurrect Dead is making its Philly debut on Thursday September 8th at the Internatioinal House at 37th and Chestnut.

But what you might not know unless you read it here, is that the mysterious new tilers, the House of Hades person/group has been leaving fresh copycat Toynbee tiles in front of our theaters in Philly and NYC. After hearing about the Philly tiles, the first thing I did when I got to the IFC center was to look up at the marquee with Resurrect Dead up there. That was pretty cool. The second thing I did was to look out across 6th Avenue. Sure enough, there were two fresh mounds of tar paper in front of the theater:

Don’t see them? Look behind that cab:

Good work House of Hades. You know us, but we don’t know you. I tried to bait you during the Q&A. To the guy in the front, stage left who laughed as I was mentioning the IFC Center tiles, the late 20’s guy with the thin frame glasses who came with his brother(?) to the afterparty, you’re my main suspect(s). You were gone before I got the chance to talk to you.

Also, reputed moron Kyle Smith over at New York Post hated the movie. While I respect not liking the movie, this guy is just stone cold stupid. What a terrible paper. Reminds me of a House of Hades tile I saw somewhere in the 30’s/40’s on Park Ave:

3 Comments on “Resurrect Dead Premier + House of Hades: you got our attentioin

  1. the Hades ones have started showing up in Portland, Oregon. There’s a small group of us now into this, thanx to your documentary.

  2. House of Hades tile in Los Angeles, southeast corner of Beverly & Larchmont. “HOUSE OF HADES ONE MAN VERSUS AMERICAN MEDIA IN SOCIETY ‘2012” Legs at top left. Appendage at right. Text at bottom not completely legible in photo I took: “I must work harder to punish [illegible]”

  3. Does anyone else have the idea that the tiles may be referring to physics the tiling of space-time the space odyssey line clicked to me when i started looking in to tiling the fabric of space time . And its ties to sacred geometry. And the mathematics of the universe

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