
So yesterday afternoon I headed over to a friends house in West Philly. There were about a dozen people and 20 pumpkins. I carved 2. I bet you can guess which one in the below pic is mine…. Read More

strange days

As I’ve been mentioning for a couple weeks, today marks the 31st anniversary of Arnold Toynbee’s molecules turning dead in anticipation of their future reassembly on the gigantic Planet of Jupiter! It’s also the 10th anniversary of the… Read More


I’m a huge fan of synchronicity. (Here’s a link to a wacky new age definition of the idea.) Another, more common synch is Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz, which is a decent example of a movie… Read More

38th and Walnut

If any of the throngs of Toynbee tile fans out there that might be reading this are interested, a new tile was very recently glued on the southeast corner of 38th and Walnut Streets. I discovered the new… Read More

Molly Pitcher, Toynbee tile

Yesterday, I mentioned that my girlfriend often asks why I’m so distrustful of ruralites. Today I come to you with a different question she often asks me, why do I care about the Toynbee tiles. I don’t actually… Read More