best toynbee tile unveiling photoessay in the world

Yes I’m still talking about the damn tiles. Today, a photoessay of yesterday’s great unveiling. This includes all known new tiles, except 15th and Race… which was found earlier today. The person pictured is Resurrect Dead documentary collaborator… Read More

new Toynbee tiles are old school tiles

This afternoon I discovered that summer rains softened the glue and tar paper on the 13th and Market tile. With the pile of tar paper still lying next to it, I found the uncovered tile within minutes of… Read More


Word of the day: Apophenia or: (as taken from Wikipedia) Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the… Read More

slightly disturbing obsessive behavior

Just because I haven’t posted about the Toynbee Tiles recently, doesn’t mean my bizarre obsession has waned. The tiles go into winter hibernation every year. Spring snow or not, the season awakens them. They’re like the cherry blossoms…. Read More

Tile Conspiracy of the day

From the archives: I was directed to your [site] site after I posted my discoveries about the movie “2001” having a running time that encodes the number 666, via a correlation with the moon. You are probably bullshit,… Read More

New Toynbee Tiler!

Toynbee tile interest comes in and out like the phases of the moon. It’s really amazing how cyclical it can be. Just as my interest begins to ebb and tile fatigue sets in, a series of events unfolds,… Read More

Resurrect Dead (Dogs and Text)

I just discovered that if I turn off the rich-text editor on wordpress, I can post youtube videos. This changes everything. From now on, please expect many more youtube videos. For today’s feature, please enjoy this informative documentary… Read More

strange days

As I’ve been mentioning for a couple weeks, today marks the 31st anniversary of Arnold Toynbee’s molecules turning dead in anticipation of their future reassembly on the gigantic Planet of Jupiter! It’s also the 10th anniversary of the… Read More


I’m a huge fan of synchronicity. (Here’s a link to a wacky new age definition of the idea.) Another, more common synch is Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz, which is a decent example of a movie… Read More

Molly Pitcher, Toynbee tile

Yesterday, I mentioned that my girlfriend often asks why I’m so distrustful of ruralites. Today I come to you with a different question she often asks me, why do I care about the Toynbee tiles. I don’t actually… Read More